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Nasijona Productions

Nasijona association produces many handicrafts made by the women of Nasijona, which is to preserve the cultural heritage and increase local production, and these products are sold to several segments of our society and also to tourists who want and look for items or gifts made in Nazareth and by Nazarenes.

Production line and sales, contain two parts:

  • Producing various kinds of handicrafts, such as: Stitch-Tape work, Senara (Crochet/Hook), Palestinian embroidery, Brazilian embroidery, machine sewing, knitting, Oya shawls and many kinds of handmade jewelry. 

Also, Nasijona cooperate with other orgenazations to display and sell their handmade products:

  • Exhibitions and bazaars: by organizing exhibitions in the association to display the products, and hosting other associations to display their products, we also participate in different exhibitions outside the association.

Among the veriety of our products: