Nasijona Courses
Nasijona Association strives to revive heritage in different means/forms mainly through various training courses and workshops that take place throughout the year with professional teachers and experts.
The courses aim to reach all the community categories,men and women of all ages, even kids and are divided into two types:
1- The working hands of “the women of Nazareth : crafts and production” a project that includes training courses in various traditional and artistic handicrafts.
The apprentices are taught the basics of crafts and different handicrafts with practical training and production.
2- Courses that focus on culture and arts such as the Arabic Calligraphy, methodology of oral history documentation, photography and others.

Handicraft courses:
The needle & thread Course: is one of Nasijona’s flagship workshops. It is lead by expert women who have been working in this field for many years from home
Palestinian Embroidery Course: Palestinian Embroidery or as it is sometimes colloquially referred to as” Farmers Embroidery “or “counting”, In this workshop, you will learn different kinds of techniques and shapes, beginning with the simplest forms to the most intricate.
Brazilian embroidery Course: workshop is one of the worldwide known art forms of embroidery. Our very skilled instructors teach you how to produce beautiful forms following practical steps.
Crochet Course: The workshop offers its participants to learn how to use the hook, as well as read the patterns and implement them, to finally create a piece which can be used in daily life as in the other workshops.
Makkuk,Shuttle Course: with the help of our very skilled teachers, we work to revive this craft, develop it and deploy it again in embellishing clothing items and jewelry alike.
Machine Tailoring Course: You will learn how to sew with the machine, to make alterations and mend garments, and become acquainted to an array of sewing machines, regular, industrial and artistic machines programmed for embroidery; you will also learn to work with different types of cloth.
Beading and Beadwork Course: Our skilled instructors will guide you in cultivating a taste for mixing colors and beads to finally implement your wanted design.
Knitting Course: Our expert instructors will teach you the different techniques to implement designs and shapes in different sizes.
Jewelry Making Course: You will learn the skill to draw, design and produce your own necklace, earrings, rings, bracelets and others, in special techniques and over several stages.
Straw Weaving Course: Our workshop does not only offer you the skills to work with the different kinds of straw,willow, plastic or natural, but is also a window to the past and the history of this tradition.
Art and Cultural Courses:
Calligraphy Course: This workshop offers to introduce two major calligraphy scripts to its participants: Ruqa’a and Persian scripts, both in theory and practice.
Arabic Handwriting Improvement Course: Nasijona decided to offer this workshop for all generations, especially children and youth at school.
Oral History Course: offers both the theoretical and the practical sides to oral history as it trains its participants to document and archive, with an emphasis on oral history and its importance.
Photography Course: Photography workshop with emphasis on documentation: this workshop aims to train its participants on the skill of documenting people and places through photography.
Photography workshop with emphasis on advertising: this workshop offers its participants the skills to use photography as an advertising tool, as they have the change to practice photography and marketing on the products made by the women of Nasijona.
Computer Course: we at Nasijona offer this workshop to train the Nasijona Women to use the computer as a means to develop and advertise their products.
(and other art courses that we intend to do in the future: theater courses, music, and other different kind of arts)